Friday, April 10, 2015


"When we’re standing at the fork in the road, what’s important to grasp is that the road doesn’t matter. Whether the one less traveled or the one well-trodden, there’s no way to really know what kind of journey we’re choosing. Since we’ll never be able to walk that second road and know where it led, we may as well enjoy the one we’re on."  
-James Cartwright,   


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Inspiration. I've probably heard it some where before (because it sounds a little too familiar.. or true) but I like to think, "A life without inspiration is not much of a life." Boom, quote it. Live it.

I seem to come across little nuggets from random things I read on the web or hear from a coworker as I'm filling up my water bottle. Maybe it's because my mind is subconsciously seeking inspiration from everyday occurrences. These excerpts need to be shared. So, I'm starting a series called, SEEDS.
I want to plant these, and I hope it grows on you.

"Elegance in objects is everybody’s right, and it shouldn’t cost more than ugliness."   
-MOMA's Paola Antonelli

…and more

This about sums up my last post.
#bebetter #passion