Thursday, October 14, 2010

Damn you cleated cycling shoes

Count em... i've fallen over 6x in the two months since i got my spd-sl cycling shoe system because I wasn't fast enough to twist out of my pedal.

The last incident, last night, was right in front of Bob's Donuts on Polk St. Lady inside was nice enough to scream out loud, "are you okay?"
I believe she was sincere. I couldn't help but laugh about it as I walked over.

Lesson: shit happens all the time, and this shit could be worse. but since it wasn't the worst, you just have to smile and move on (physically, not always)!

Monday, October 11, 2010

school, bikes, sports... hooray month

brian kane

fabio being interviewed by a hot lady.

"Tedford voted for prop 8" lol

my first college football game. ucla sucks apparently.

1/5 scale mockup of my original design....

Final design, final prototype. I changed it to this because I realized after the first mockup of my orig design it wouldn't work with the brittle gatorboard. im happy with this one too.