Friday, August 22, 2008

brake vs no brake on fixies...

I overheard these guys while they were hovering over my bike discussing "no brakes- why, what's the point of that?"
before i go on, just to let the reader know I do have a front brake. they were i suppose sparked the notion of the contrary.
ok, so why do many fixed gear riders ride without a brake? Simple- because they're too cool for school:) But for a more profound answer, it's because fixed gear bikes are originally track bikes. and of course, in track cycling you don't utilize brakes; you're racing in a contained oval track. However, on the road which is a world full of obstacles, terrain, grades (inclines/declines), etc. safety is a priority. (unless, you can honestly tell me you don't ride among cars at full speed down hills and shit, then fine i'll ride brakeless too.)
i know, preserving the original aesthetic of a track bike is beautiful aka "clean", but it only makes sense if you're preserving its original purpose as well.
good example- it's silly don't you think when you see fast and furious spoilers on import cars on the street? it's not like you're driving that fast you need to keep the drag low on the rear of your car as if you're racing Indy.

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