Monday, May 11, 2009

good find, finals, interesting guy at the back of the bus...

found this book that i might want to check out sometime- Attitude 101. i think a lot of people should. it's a good, basic reminder how attitude is an essential part to success. work, relationships, etc. here's a review from a reader:

Particularly meaningful to me were the reminders that temporary setbacks (what some see as "failures") are good ways to learn how to be more effective. If we can combine lots of attempts with an ability to emotionally forget how they made us feel when the attempts didn't work, we can accomplish a great deal.
- a review by professor mitchell on the book Attitude 101

ok, it's friday and im finally finished with finals.

back to the bus shenanigans...
first interesting dude was when i was on the way to architecture. homeless guy talking aloud to himself (but of course as if he was talking to someone else) saying things like, " mars... im a martian. yeah i did drugs.. you name em... barbitol (sp?), meth, cocaine, .... " oh man, he said much more than that. i just forgot.
then, on the way back to ID, bunch of black kids being loud and being very crass, nigga this nigga that.... then 3 young chicks enter the bus but sit in the front but have you no doubt that the guys in the back tried to make a scene of them checking them out.
what the hell is wrong with people.

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