Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bike Fiasco, SF to Tiburon, gotta do it again

congratulations helio castroneves. your victory is inspiring.

yesterday, had a full day on my bike, from fort mason all the way to tiburon for the first time. and it wasn't complete without the various glitches in a road trip. weather was very gloomy and chilly. mocha came along and therefore had to be considered in the bike rental. esther crashes and cuts herself. dan powering so hard up the hill to the bridge snapped the chain to the tricycle. roger waits behind at the beginning of the bridge for a replacement bike to be sent. we head across to sausalito, hit up a hole in the wall hamburger place called "hamburger" ..nice... roger arrives. then head to tiburon. i get a flat midway in mill valley and as we try to reinflate it we pierced it again by pinching the tube. luckily, thanks to GPS magic we found a bike shop a little less than a mile away. dan and i bike to tiburon and meet the gang. and must i say, tiburon and its surrounding areas are so beautiful. would love to live there someday.
we eat, drink, and get merry at sam's. catch the first quarter of the lakers game then leave to catch the ferry back to SF. gloomy and cold SF. we meet at dan and pat's home, then head to kyoto for the rest of the lakers game and $2 sapporo. lakers win. what a way to end the great day.

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