Friday, May 22, 2009

black edgar and the international group of us

went to a free show tonight (again) at yoshi's. this time around i was accompanied by ilija, erica... and rafael! yeah, he would be one of my favorite teachers thus far at AAU.

we saw black edgar something something i forget.. but it was cool. experimental jazzy, funk, electronic, fusion shabang. shabang bc it was pretty mind altering.
met the drummer (max mcveety). nice guy. then one of his students came and we met her too. she's probably in her late 40's, owns an internet based textile company, and plays drums for a blues band. how rad is that? very.

we talked about music, design, ilija's moves, culture, social topics, etc. good times. and very substantial even more so bc of the diverse group we made up. different ages, backgrounds, ethnicity, experiences, yada yada.

a snippet of one of our convos; a quote of a quote of one of rafael's friends:

"Nationalism is (like) the chicken pox of humanity."

interpretation: it's like a child(hood)(ish) idea we need to get over.
basically, it has no place in society, and especially with the gloabalization/ism of human interactivity nowadays.
how appropriate is this topic... i think my blog title says it all.

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