Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK weekend

Cavs vs Lakers

it's MLK jr day. i worked. and it was nice out.
just got home and made some of the chicken i had mixed and been marinating over the weekend. Damn... hits the spot! On top of that, I finally used the microwave rice cooker that daddyoshito gave me. Amazing. I find lately that technology works better for rice, not for phones. hmm. I had lunch with him and Pat at Takara on friday. Quality times. i love it.
Again, I can't express how grateful I am for such gestures. On this topic of B's dad, he's cool.. very good to me. I take experiences and people like this very dearly and in high regard. Thanks Yosh.
Tomorrow is Barack Obama's inauguration. holy shit. what a time we live in. despite this crazy world of present, we still show signs of hope and progress. follow his lead.
Lani and Franz's wedding was this past saturday. big fun, as i got to hang out with old high school and college friends, finding out new babies are on the way, eljay calling me out-again-in front of everyone, tons of food and drink, ... (note to self: don't take a limo with a stocked bar PRE-wedding ceremony.) i think don and i ended up on the same boat, eating mad pastries in the limo before the reception and not really taking advantage of the open bar bc we were done early. check please.
on my way to LA, I couldn't help but wonder, "what if karina shows up by surprise?!" hahaha wishful thinking. i love weddings. I'm a sucker for love. hahaha That's one thing i'll wrestle for. so of course, i couldn't help but think of B the whole day.
Yesterday was mila's bday party at shakeys. pizza, fried chicken, and whaat... mojo potatoes! happy belated 4th bday mila. i'm glad i was able to make it for you.

lani n franz. 14 years? in the making. and all we get, is a peck on the lips for their "you may kiss the bride" kiss. no worries, they're going crazy at home right now, if you know what i mean.

alyssa or kiera... theyre both super cute and truly happy souls. they were so friendly and full of excitement at the reception. hooray erwin.

he hates flowers.

the valley.

they had a game in which all the tables had a particular type of dance written on their table cards. and when eljay called out let's say in this case, "booty shake," each table that had "booty shake" on theirs had to get up and do it. of course, evan had this one. and he did not hold back. he was chosen to represent his table on the dance floor, and boy did he represent.
now, notice... why are they all guys on the floor? hahahah

sunday morning walk to chipotle. shelby cobra spotting/hearing. hot damn.

maxine. melissa's #2. cries incessantly. not my goddaughter hahaha

mila's party goers

myspace. done.

hatsy operating on a kid's bday cake.

cake parade!

aye, dose pilipinos ...

barong show.

it's their fault.
