Friday, October 3, 2008

balboa sushi house

i think that's what it's named... and certainly, it was like eating at "their" house. i was soo hungry around 10, late dinner, so i walked around my neighborhood looking for something of value.  and this place, i've always walked by but never had the courage to check it out. but this night.... i was desperate.  usually, i sneer at such an overload of trinkets, colors, foliage etc placed in such a confined space (or does it look confined bc of all the stuff?). but this one, i won't bash.  it actually was according to the charm or feel of like i was eating at their home (which is actually in daly city, as i asked.. cuz i needed to get to the bottom of this- was this their downstairs area converted into a restaurant?!). so no it's not their home. but the food was down right good.. donburi chicken. good size. good flavor. the timing was so good!
(pics not uploading. why)

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