Friday, October 24, 2008

SF Ronald McDonald House annual dinner gala. Ronald was a no show. bummer.

sammy? or mr t.?

nice place yeah

last min., shirley needed to fill a vacant seat at her table at the ronald mcdonald house annual dinner gala. free food, free drinks, amazing prizes, and an opportunity to doll it up a bit- how could i deny the invitation!
and apparently jeff is now her bf. how cute haha.
some quirky notables:
they had hired dean martin and sammy davis jr look-alikes. creepy i say. dean martin looked like plastic face... even from 200ft away!
the hors douvres were amazing. and so was the dinner... and so was the dessert pickings. except, the lil bon bon's on a stick at the end. um, since when does salt on chocolate covered ice cream taste good. oh man, you shouldve seen my face.
Cheryl Jennings was the MC, ABC7 news anchor lady. shyeah, like i knew who she was.

on a serious note, the auction was interesting. seeing for the first time live bidding for prizes in the thousands. ballers. one day, just remember.....
but aside from that, the most profound part of that segment was when they started "auctioning" pledges, just straight monetary donations from the audience that go to the Ronald mcdonald house of SF. so many people raised their "paddles" up for it. i'm glad to see that humanity still has some integrity left after all the mad rush for trips to the caribbean. yay philanthropic rich people.

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