Thursday, October 2, 2008

oct. 2 VP debate thoughts

greetings. so i just finished watching the whole VP debate with Palin and Biden. (well, not wholly as i had to run back n forth to the kitchen to get my fries out of the oven and grab a PBR.)
as many the people of the US, high expectations of Palin were somewhat scarred based on her recent interviews with Couric and Gibson.  her performance tonight i felt seemed contrary in presentation and effect, YET I can't say she did much more beyond her character to sway me (and i hope for other viewers who might be on the fence still) for the better.  which is fine, because as any matured person would understand, it's hard to really exemplify changed values in a matter of a month, much less many years of adulthood.  what she did in contrast to her previous performances though was assert her points and confidence better. she gets "extra credit" for that.  yet what i do hope for is that many the simple minded and vulnerable viewers out there do not simply take her change of face as a means to solidify their uncertainty and lean towards their ticket.  sorry for the pessimistic attitude towards some human beings, but it's true right? 
id like to add how much i've enjoyed being more extended in delving into this pres campaign this year in comparison to the past years of my consciousness. "extra credit" for me.

another thing.... what's all this "maverick" talk? there's only one Maverick i know, and his name is Lt. Pete Mitchell.

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