Friday, February 13, 2009

roger's bday. school. shenanigans etc.

i forget if i posted this pic already. but what does it matter, i don't mind seeing it again.. and again. when's prom?
and today, lifetouch finally sent me my traders! hahahaha love it B. devised ever so cleverly.
and yesterday, i got a box from her. can't open it till tomorrow (Valentine's Day). can't wait!
i'm looking forward to her opening the package i sent her too. tomorrow night's going to be fun!

drawing class looking out to nob hill

twas roger's bday last week and to celebrate he invited a bunch of his friends for sloppy joes and drinking olympics in the park. this stash, not even half the inventory at hand. cobras, olde englishes, mickeys, etc... delightful. that funky monkey.

one of the games we played was- every 15 mins. the alarm would sound and whoever had the poker chip on them would have to drink a whole drink. yeah, this chick had no clue what was about to happen in a minute. um yeah, i speak to soon... because i was the last victim of the day as the chip ended up in my hood. bastards.

the moon amidst the trees.

roger's favorite cake- princess cake. fit for a .. princess. :) this cake is soooo good. the marzipan does wonders. the teacher critiques, a student earnestly takes note. what a poser. hahahah

today, i missed the train. not because i "missed" it but because i went to the wrong side of the train. "why arent the doors opening? oh shit, it's the other side..." run around the tail, push the "open door" button. no dice. screwed. walk a mile, half of it up hill, to catch the 21 instead. good job smart guy.

did i say i'm excited for tomorrow? eljay's in town, and it's going to be the most fulfilling valentine's day to date in my recollection.
i love you B.
and you know this, maaan.

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