Sunday, January 25, 2009

bowties and the death of a tshirt hookup

take it in blood -nas

after shopping for dress shirts this weekend, and all the thought i was putting into it, it turns out simpler than that. i have a shirt already and all i needed was a simple black bow tie. done. hahaha all good. sometimes you just need to go through a whole drawn out process just to realize you had it all figured out in the beginning (or relatively early in the process). like, when you're faced with a dilemma of some sort- deciding what the best decision should be- sometimes you just need to "vent" or air it out, to hear it outside of your psyche helping confirm the decision.
chinese food, 2 days in a row. then tuesday. im not complaining! school starts tomorrow officially. just physics tomorrow which is online. still waiting for my textbook though. i'm ready nonetheless. then in 3 days, ill be in Hawaii, what i'd called my second home. and coincidentally to drill the point even more, that's B's current residence. perfect.
and joe's finally leaving AA! congratulations. this is good for him. he now gets to go back home to toronto and he'll be getting a better job. no one deserves or should stay there as long as he has been there. nonetheless, a learning experience. consider it also "the death of my tshirt hookup" hahaha

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